You'll have a fabulous and astounding experience if you end up participating in the Festival. It will be one of the best decisions that you'll ever make as an artist. You'll see!!

If you are a professional actor, director, writer or a theatre company, you’re more than welcome to submit your short play for our consideration. We encourage our artists or theater companies to submit a short play with a script, director and actors attached, but we are open to receive scripts from writers, directors looking for a script, or actors looking to be cast in a play (but our recommendation is to be proactive and bring your own idea and your own team: be creative and be yourself the one taking the decisions).
Any play participating in the Festival will be perfoming 2 times in total, once per day Saturday and Sunday. Each play will be performing in a program of 6 plays each. Usually each Festival have around 8 programs, making around 48 plays per Festival. The winners of each program will perform 2 more times in a Final Galas the last 2 days of the Festival. As a result of that Final Galas, we’ll find out who the winners are.
The brisk festival is a perfect platform for any artist who is looking for an audience to share her/his talent with. We have a professional jury that works on the film, TV and theater industry that besides judging the selected short pieces, they are also looking constantly for new talent. There will be press covering the Festival. Also, you’ll meet other great professionals like you that will be participating in the Festival. But the most important is to have a fantastic and fun experience, while sharing your stories and your talent.
We are artists and we love to give everyone an opportunity to show their talent. We know how hard it’s to be an artist nowadays, that’s why our policy is that as a participant there’s no cost involved at any time, not even when submitting your proposal/play. The only thing that we ask in return is your commitment if you’re chosen in the Festival, to bring a high quality theater piece, and a great and very positive energy,
We’d love to be able to give you some funds if you’re selected, but pitifully we have a very small budget to run the Festival, and we can’t afford any compensation for your participation. Nevertheless, there is a $500 award for the winning play. And small awards for the winners of the rest of the categories: Writer, Director, Actress, Actor and People’s Choice. The Festival also will chose a play to bring it to the big screen, and a short film production will be offered to the chosen play.