The Brisk Festival is a wonderful setting for sponsors to gain visibility and increase brand-name recognition in the community. Our audience is formed by men and women, 18-65 years old, with superior studies and with a medium to high income.
The Brisk produces five-week season Festivals for an audience of more than 4,000 people each, using professional artists from the cities we participate in.
If you’re considering sponsoring a wonderful life event as our Festival please contact us.

Work with us
Our mission is to entertain and nourish our audience through the development and production of new contemporary short plays while helping established and emerging artists to have a platform to present their work.
If you’d like to work in a wonderful and challenging environment and be a part of a very proactive team, please send us your information and the city where you live. We’re in need of light/sound tech professionals, stage managers, social media managers and concessions manager..

Private support
From donations to volunteer work, any private support is treated with so much respect and gratitude. Even if you think that you can’t donate as much as you’d love to our Festival, any little support will be really helpful for us and a new step toward our mission.
The Brisk Festival is a sponsored project by Sima Studios, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of the Brisk Festival must be made payable to “Sima Studios” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.